Module 10, Intro to the Black Freedom Movement
No Easy Walk highlights the event that led up to the victory in Birmingham, Alabama. The documentary begins by explaining the movement in Albany, Georgia. Albany was the first city in which Black people were able to immoblize an entire community for the Civil Rights Movement instead of just a portion of the community. Although, their efforts failed to create any changes, they served as a learning experience for the future immbolilization of movements. In Albany, Georiga, the Civil Rights Movement was halted when they faced Police Chief, Laurie Prichett. In the documentary, Black people are referred to as lazy, stupid people. In my opinion, Chief Prichett viewed them as eqauals. He took the time to read Dr.Martin Luther King's Book and study their strategy from other cities in order to properly plan for thier move on Albany. African Americans used sit-ins, freedom rides, and protest marches to fight segregation, poverty, and unemployment. This documentary focuses on Martin Luther Ki...